It is easy to take ‘self-care’ for granted, especially when our daily working routine and environment offer some encouragement towards aspects of self-care (physical fitness in a professional sport being an obvious example). But there is so much more to self-care than we often acknowledge or give our full attention to, particularly on the occasions when we are not surrounded and influenced by our work routines or when the realities of everyday life get in the way.
There are three key components to self-care, the physical, the spiritual (how am I, who am I?) and the emotional. Generally speaking, good self-care = good self.
Physical – Always keep on track with exercise whether it’s being outside in the fresh air taking a walk, some light morning exercises or maintaining a disciplined gym routine (this links in with the points below as well, so if your exercise is exclusively inside in the gym, maybe you’re missing out on a trick). We know that exercise helps us to feel good about ourselves and releases feel-good hormones and doing something physical also releases cortisol that can alleviate feelings of stress.

Spiritual – Connecting with people, enjoying the good company of friends, helping others and doing things that will benefit people, places and things. These can help to bring you positive feelings about yourself. Taking time for spiritual self-care is soul-fulfilling, encourages introspection and offers clarity and comfort. Practising mindful techniques such as meditation, connecting with nature, relaxing whilst listening to music and learning something that interests you can be a real boost, whether you are feeling in need of a boost or not. Effective self-care routines are exactly that – routines. It’s not necessarily the same things every day, but it is about doing something every day and that requires practice and a certain amount of discipline.
Emotional – It is important that we bring our awareness towards our emotions and our mental wellbeing and take the steps necessary to honour and care for these parts of ourselves. Never underestimate the benefits of viewing ourselves fairly and with kindness, regularly noticing things that we do well and offering positive self-appraisal. It is often said that the most important relationship that you will have in your lifetime is the relationship that you have with yourself. Talking and sharing about ourselves with other people we trust is a vital part of this relationship and this will allow others to support you in any times of need.
It is important that when we are practicing self-care, we look through a wide lens in terms of considering how we are looking after ourselves. Are we eating healthily and regularly? Are we practicing good and healthy sleeping patterns? Are we managing any social or habitual behaviours that are, or have the potential to be, problematic?
The most responsible person for your care is you. The most effective person to care for you is you.